

Project management and Coordination

Our goal in the work package “Project management and Coordination” is to manage the project in a sound, transparent, and efficient manner throughout its two-year duration. We will establish a flexible and agile governance structure to ensure an efficient implementation of the work plan. By clarifying roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes, we will promote transparency, accountability, and optimize project management and resource allocation. At the same time, we recognize the importance of flexibility and agility in responding to challenges. Our governance structure will enable us to adapt quickly, adjust priorities, and make timely decisions. Regular assessments and reviews will help us refine our processes for optimal project performance. Effective communication and collaboration will be prioritized among stakeholders. We have established MS Teams as the digital project management tool to facilitate coordination and promote a sense of shared ownership and accountability. We will monitor the progress using a project Kanban in MS Teams and make sure the information there is synchronized for all project members. We also assess risks and implement mitigation strategies. Regular reporting will provide stakeholders with comprehensive updates on project status, milestones, and adjustments made.

Task 1.1. Committee management and WP Coordination.
Task 1.2. Facilitate Communication and Exchange.
Task 1.3. Consortium Management.
Task 1.4. Quality Assurance.
Task 1.5. Reporting.


Capacity building for academics of digital formats in research and teaching

In this Work Package our main objective is to enhance collaborative online offerings by improving quality assurance mechanisms and support structures. Drawing on the experiences of previous COIL/OIL formats, teachers and scientists will exchange ideas and develop recommendations to enhance online collaborations. COIL/OIL mentors will act as catalysts for change, facilitating behavioral shifts. The joint Virtual Teaching Professionals program of the DigiUGov partners will equip international doctoral and postdoctoral researchers with the skills needed to excel in e-teaching at universities. It will also provide opportunities to network with teachers from partner universities, fostering cross-cultural and interdisciplinary teaching approaches. To strengthen the concept of a «learning community,» think tanks will be established to facilitate discussions on the future of digital teaching. This will encourage a shared commitment to high-quality teaching among students, researchers, and administrative staff. Furthermore, diversity awareness will be promoted across work packages through targeted training sessions. These trainings will focus on preventing gender bias in selection and personnel management, combating sexism and racism in teaching, and empowering students from marginalized groups. Our goal is to create an inclusive, diverse, and high-quality educational environment that encourages collaboration, innovation, and equality within institutions. Through these initiatives, we strive to make our institutions exemplars of excellence in online education.

Task 2.1. (Online) Matching-Events for interested scientists in inclusive formats.
Task 2.2. Developing and piloting an evaluation instrument for COIL/OIL courses.
Task 2.3. Think-Tanks about future of (digital) h.e. formats with different status groups including students.
Task 2.4. Design of an assessment tool for the digital competence of university academic staff.
Task 2.5. Exchange of experiences with COIL/OIL courses from lecturers and students at the institutions.
Task 2.6. Develop, conduct and evaluate Trainthe-trainers offers on digital competences.
Task 2.7. Qualifying COIL/OIL mentors (including student mentors).
Task 2.8. Develop awareness-raising formats on dimensions of diversity (racial attribution, gender bias or social origin etc.) and inclusion.


WP Results

Results of task 2.3. Think-Tanks about future of (digital) h.e. formats with different status groups including students.

EduVision Future formats in Higher Education

Results of Task 2.4. Design of an assessment tool for the digital competence of university academic staff.

Self assessment tool




Digitalization of the University Administration

In this Work Package, our primary focus is to enhance the administrative procedures, tools, and services related to the digitalization of universities. The aim is to strengthen each institution’s capacity in this area and facilitate local organizational development projects. To foster collaboration and knowledge sharing, administrative officers will be matched through exchange formats such as job shadowing. This will bring administrations closer to each other and encourage the exchange of best practices. To ensure the widespread adoption of digitalization advancements, Digital Guides will be introduced to facilitate the integration of digital processes throughout the institutions. These guides will serve as resources to assist in implementing and mainstreaming digitalization efforts. Additionally, diversity awareness will be promoted across various work packages. Targeted trainings will be conducted for individuals with management responsibilities and committee activities, both in administration and science. These trainings aim to prevent gender bias in selection decisions and personnel management for managers, while also addressing issues of sexism and racism in teaching. For students from marginalized groups, empowerment training and critical whiteness education will be provided to foster an inclusive learning environment. Through these initiatives, we strive to improve the administrative landscape of universities in the digital era while promoting diversity, inclusion, and equality within our institutions.

Task 3.1. (Online) Matching-Events for interested university staff for job shadowing
Task 3.2. Develop awareness-raising formats on dimensions of diversity (racial attribution, gender bias or social origin etc.) and inclusion.
T3.3. Identification and training of digital guides among the university administration personnel.
T3.4. (Virtual) Job shadowing for administrative personnel.
T3.5. Support of local organizational development projects (e.g. change management, interface optimization, process optimization), exchange of experiences and/or support by advisory teams.



Governance and Consultancy

The work package “Governance and Consultancy” is dedicated to fostering digital transformation from a managerial perspective. We believe that embracing digitalization is essential for organizations to thrive in the modern age. Through this platform we aim to facilitate knowledge sharing, benchmarking and the dissemination of good practices among universities and other institutions. One of the key activities is to generate a comprehensive report on good practices in digital transformation. Therefore we gather experiences and strategies from various universities and analyze them to identify successful governance structures. These insights are then made available to universities, providing valuable guidance for their own digital transformation journeys. The DigiUGov community serves as a hub for experts to engage in discussions about different aspects of digital transformation and digitalization. These experts bring diverse perspectives and experiences, leading to robust conversations and the generation of recommendations. By exploring topics such as technological advancements, organizational change, and digital strategy, we aim to provide practical insights and actionable advice. In line with our commitment to inclusivity and data-driven decision-making, we focus on enhancing university policies by incorporating data from various diversity categories. By defining the necessary data points and promoting its collection and analysis, we aim to support universities in creating more inclusive environments and informed policies. The outcomes of our research and collaborative efforts will be shared and made available through publications in appropriate media. Additionally our work package will closely collaborate with other work packages to ensure synergistic outcomes and achieve the best possible results. Through collaboration and coordination, we can maximize the impact of our efforts and drive meaningful advancements in the digital realm.

Task 4.1. Benchmarking of strategic documents.
Task 4.2. Establishment of 2-3 expert groups reflecting different aspects of digital transformation and/or digitalization.
Task 4.3. Identifying advisors for the digital transformation under the aspect of diversity.
Task 4.4. Management consultancy offered by advisory teams, based on fields of strength in the benchmarking.
Task 4.5. Developing data-based university politics with regards of diversity aspects.



Sharing Resources on the Digitalization of the University

In Work Package 5, our focus is on sharing resources to enhance institutional digitisation strategies within the university setting. To support academic staff in developing digital competencies, we will design resources and courses specifically tailored for teaching digital competence development. These resources will provide the necessary knowledge and skills to empower academic staff in effectively incorporating digital tools and technologies into their teaching practices.

Furthermore, we aim to inspire improvement in teaching and research practices by disseminating best practices and examples. Through the sharing of successful cases and innovative approaches, we seek to stimulate creativity and innovation among academic staff, encouraging them to explore new avenues in their teaching and research endeavours. By providing a space for resource sharing, designing targeted courses, and disseminating inspiring practices, we aim to foster a culture of digitalisation within the university. Our goal is to equip academic staff with the necessary tools, knowledge, and inspiration to embrace and excel in the digital era, ultimately enhancing the overall teaching and research landscape of our institutions.

Task 5.1. Creation of a project website for dissemination and an online portal for sharing digital training courses for academic staff.
Task 5.2. Design of educational materials and courses for the improvement of digital competence and inclusive digitalization.
Task 5.3. Creation of project related digital content such as audio-visual materials.
Task 5.4. Disseminate innovative teaching practices for the digital training of academic staff.




Networks for Inclusive Digital Transformation

In the pursuit of an inclusive digital transformation, our focus in this project is to leverage the partner universities’ existing international networks. These networks not only encompass their own histories but also reflect the diverse backgrounds of their respective countries. Our objective is to identify and provide access to these networks for all project partners, creating a network of networks that facilitates the dissemination of project results and the infusion of fresh ideas. To ensure wide-reaching dissemination, we will employ various formats tailored to specific target groups such as teachers, students, and administrative personnel. Through targeted dissemination activities, we aim to maximize the project’s outreach and impact at both the European and global levels. This will enable the scalability of DigiUGov activities developed within the project, as well as foster the sharing of best practices. By tapping into established international networks, employing diverse dissemination formats, and maximizing outreach at regional and global levels, we strive to create a collaborative environment for an inclusive digital transformation. This approach will allow us to distribute project outcomes widely, exchange innovative ideas, and share best practices, ultimately contributing to the advancement of digital governance in higher education.

Task 6.1. Networks for digitalization: identify and connect different networks; generate spaces for dialogue; connecting the different rectors conferences.
Task 6.2. Establish relationships with other Erasmus funded projects in Colombia and Mexico.
Task 6.3. Dissemination of results / outreach events.
Task 6.4. Presentations of project outcomes at scientific conferences and publication of papers.


WP Results

Results of Task 6.3. Dissemination of results / outreach events.

Here you can check our Roadmap for Dissemination Activities


Results of Task 6.4. Presentations of project outcomes at scientific conferences and publication of papers.

DigiUGov at The University: Future Festival