Level: Beginner
Duration (hrs):
Language: Spanish, English, German
University: UP
Format: Video

Equal opportunities, diversity promotion, and anti-discrimination in the context of university

The following video is designed to raise awareness and provide information on the topics of equal opportunities, diversity promotion, and anti-discrimination in the context of university: work, research, and teaching environment.

This video addresses the general topic of anti-bias and explores different biases (cognitive distortions) that can influence our judgements and evaluations. Using practical examples, it shows how we can reflect on our own biases to reduce assumptions and enhance the quality of appointment and personnel selection procedures.

This material serves as self-learning tool, encouraging individuals to inform themselves according to their own interests and areas of responsibility on these issues. It provides an accessible introduction to complex issues such as anti-bias, active recruitment, or raising awareness of potential unconscious or conscious racist or sexist behaviour in teaching.

DigCompEdu Area: Professional Engagement, Empowering learners